Vysoká 95, 269 01 Rakovník
Phone: +420 313 516 230
Czech Republic
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Offers for schools

Program: Wire work

Children listen to the lecture about tinker craft while they watch exhibition of wire work. After that they will learn basic patterns on the stone, which they can take home afterwards. The program is suitable for older children.

Program: Candle making

This program is easily manageable even by small children. The point of this program is manufacturing candles from the brood wax. The manufacturing is obviously supplemented with commentary on the history of candlecrafts.

Program: Preparation of herbal tea

In the exposition of pharmacy children will hear an intrudution to the world of medicinal herbs and learn about the exposition. Later they have the opportunity to choose herbs which they like and which are absolutly harmless and make their own tea. They will also get an information, how to correctly make the tea at home.
Preparation of herbal ointment
Second program in the exposition of pharmacy is also focused on the world of herbs and production of herbal ointment. It is made of lard and chamomile. Children get the information, how to use the ointmentsd. Both programs might be accompanied by a tour of the herbal garden on the courtyard of museum in spring and summer months.


Program, focused on the historical part of exposition is based on filling up the correct answers to the test, which children get before the tour of museum. All correct answers can be found in exposition. Test is suitable for secondary school.


There are quizzes prepared for visitors, where they can test their knowledges for example in the area of agricultural crops, use of the agricultural tools and vessels. Other similar quizzes are being prepared.
